Digital Mentoring

digital marketing mentor

A Digital Marketing Mentor to Help Drive Your Content Marketing Success

Got a burning question about content marketing and need an expert to steer you straight?

Do you feel you could be doing things quicker, smarter or better, and need a digital marketing mentor to show you how?

Do you want to uplevel your marketing skills and feel confident your approach is right for your business?

Book a digital marketing mentoring session with Debbie Hatswell to get the clarity and direction you need.

No question is too silly

If you don’t ask, you don’t learn… right?

Debbie’s warm, positive and engaging sessions help guide you through your issue, giving you newfound confidence in your ability to DIY your digital marketing strategy with ease and efficiency.

Give your team digital marketing support

Help a team member who’s in charge of your digital marketing but needs additional support to drive better outcomes for your business.

Resolve your issue and do things better

Tap into Debbie’s digital marketing expertise to find out how you could get smarter, faster and more creative with your business marketing.

Get solutions tailored to your business

Don’t follow tips from random gurus on the internet. Instead, Debbie will give you digital advice that is customised to your business.

What sort of questions can Debbie answer in a digital marketing mentor session?

The sky’s the limit! If you have a digital marketing or content marketing strategy problem, Debbie can help.

Debbie has many years of experience in corporate communications, small business leadership, digital marketing, SEO and content strategy; so she’s able to answer a broad array of questions.

These could include:

  • how do I use Google Analytics to check my website traffic sources?
  • how do I use Facebook Analytics to better understand my content or ad performance?
  • how do I use Instagram Insights to gain more followers and grow my reach?
  • how do I use hashtags to get found in Instagram’s explore panel?
  • how do I harness the power of LinkedIn to reach lucrative corporate clients who aren’t active on other social media platforms?
  • how do I use Canva or other tools to create eye-catching social media and website imagery?
  • how do I use social media scheduling tools like Buffer to make posting content easy and quick?
  • Can you talk me through targeting my Facebook ads so I know I’m setting it up right?

Debbie’s areas of digital marketing expertise

Debbie’s vast array of experience as a business owner, digital marketer and communications strategist gives her strong expertise in a variety of tools and platforms.

So if you need help with any of the below, a session with Debbie will give you the clarity you need.

Social media – Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter
SEO Tools – Google Analytics, Google Search Central, Bing Webmaster Tools
Scheduling – Buffer

What does a session with a digital marketing mentor cost?

It all depends on the issue. If you have a problem that only needs an hour with Debbie, it could cost as little as $100. However, if the issue is more complex, you may need more time with Debbie to cover it off.

Just contact us to tell us what problem you’re experiencing and we’ll give you a quote.