Content Marketing Strategy

content marketing strategy melbourne

Content Marketing Strategy for Melbourne B2B Businesses

Supercharge your content marketing with a clear, tactical plan to grow your visibility, boost your brand and win more clients. Learn how to make content marketing work harder for your business by following a step-by-step guide that takes your content marketing from scattered and haphazard to strategic and consistent.

Get your content marketing flying high

Do you need help to be more visible and showcase your expertise?

Are you unsure where to start or how to make your content more appealing to your audience?

Do you want to feel confident about your content plan, because it’s been created by an expert strategist who understands the tactics that work best for B2B businesses like yours?

Our content marketing strategy for Melbourne businesses will give you a strategic plan to follow that makes implementation easy, effective and efficient.

Harness the power of social media

Get a custom social media strategy that is carefully designed to get the best from your social platform/s of choice.

Publish quality content on your website

Learn how to maximise content on your website, be found on Google search and boost your authority in your niche.

Take your business to the next level

Feel confident knowing you are following a strategic plan that equips you with the tools and systems you need to succeed.

Get content marketing strategy from a Melbourne business owner who’s done it herself

Debbie Hatswell has founded of two successful businesses: Phoenix Content Studio and Story Mama, formerly an online children’s book store. This first-hand experience in building her business reputation from scratch gives Debbie the insight and expertise to help other businesses get their content marketing working harder for them.

‘Genuine, consistent content marketing has the power to transform your business, delivering tangible benefits like warm leads, social followers and website traffic. I’d be delighted to show you how with a strategic content marketing strategy session.’
Debbie Hatswell, founder, Phoenix Content Studio

How it works

The process is simple, but the results are powerful. This is what to expect in your content marketing strategy session.

Step ONE: Briefing Session
Via Zoom, we chat about your business, your brand, your audience, your industry and your competitors.

We’ll take a deep dive into your challenges so we can create a plan to give your business a tactical advantage. We profile your ideal clients so that we understand their pain points and how your business solves their problems.

Step TWO: Content Strategy Plan
Tapping into her years of experience, Debbie will create a highly strategic, detailed (yet simple to follow) content marketing strategy for your business.

Debbie will present this strategy to you via Zoom, giving you the chance to ask questions and seek clarity on how to get started implementing.

The plan clearly outlines each step in the content process, so you understand:

  • WHICH platforms to concentrate on
  • WHAT to post
  • WHEN to post
  • HOW to share the right content
  • WHO you’re marketing to (and how to connect with them)
  • And importantly, WHY you’re doing it

Plus, you’ll learn the crucial tools you need to make content marketing efficient and streamlined.

And, you’ll learn what metrics to look for when evaluating the success of your content marketing, so you know if the strategy is really performing as expected. (And what to do if it isn’t.)

Step THREE: Implementation
You can immediately start following the plan to implement the tactics. Because each step is clearly outlined, you’ll have no trouble with the process if you decide to DIY. We work with sole traders who prefer to take care of the content marketing themselves, and larger organisations who allocate the task to an in-house resource.

Alternatively, you can appoint Phoenix Content Studio to take care of the implementation too, by securing our social media management and blog writing services.

Our Clients

We work with leading B2B companies in Melbourne and interstate in a wide variety of sectors including:

  • business consultants
  • training providers
  • boutique recruiters
  • financial services providers
  • artists
  • manufacturers

Ready to book your content marketing strategy session for your Melbourne business?

Simply drop us a line about your requirements and we can get you booked in as soon as possible.