Reasons Why your Business Needs a Blog

reasons why your business needs a blog

In this article we discuss 6 reasons your business needs a regular and consistent blog on its company website.

For our purposes we’ll call it a blog, but we could also be talking about a section on your website that you call news, or insights. Blogging isn’t just for the Mummy bloggers, it really does help attract, educate and inform your website visitors and helps convert them into clients.

These are the reasons you should consider adding a regular and consistent blog to your company website.

  1. To Communicate with your Existing Clients
    You have most likely spent a lot of time and money attracting your existing customers and nurturing your ongoing relationship. Having a company blog gives you an easy way to continue that conversation. A well thought out blogging strategy talks directly to your ideal clients in a language they relate to. It solves the things that keeps them up at night and solves their challenging pain points. It helps educate them about your other or new products and services. It connects with your ideal client in a way that helps turn them from a sometimes-customer into raving brand advocates.
  2. To Attract Warm Leads
    The perfect blog answers a question that one of your potential, just-about-to-buy a product like yours client types into Google or Safari. It pops up as the answer to their question. They assume that you know exactly what you are talking about and they either sign up to keep hearing from you, or click through to find out more about your business, product and services. These warm leads are the people that understand you are the answer to their problem and that you have what they need. These targeted, soon-to-be clients, nurtured with a well written email campaign ideally turn into customers over time.
  3. To Help with SEO
    A blog can be optimized for search engines to give you the best chance of getting found. It is tailored around a long tail keyword and answers a specific frequently asked question about your product or service. Whilst on page keyword optimization will not get you ranked on google on its own, it definitely helps.
  4. To Demonstrate Thought Leadership
    Your blog should help your ideal clients understand that you know exactly what you are talking about and that you are an expert in your field. Your lifetime industry knowledge and subject matter expertise should be on display to help educate your client base. This should go for the leaders in your business as they advocate for your brand.
  5. To Celebrate your Brand Story
    A blog is the perfect place to celebrate company milestone, employee stories and build your employer brand. It helps customers understand your company history and helps them feel like they are part of something bigger than just themselves.
  6. To Repurpose for all the Other Things!
    Share your article via your newsletter, tweet about it, repurpose it as a LinkedIn article. Cut it into quotable moments and create branded visuals, rework it to be a guest article for a likeminded organisation… the possibilities are endless.

Having a company blog on your website continues the conversation with your website visitors over time. It gives them a place to discover what is new, what is happening and how you can help solve their problems. Delivered on a regular and consistent basis, it gives them something to return to, to subscribe to and to follow. If you are finding you have the expertise, but not the resources, time or discipline to regularly commit to writing a blog for your company website talk to me, I can help.