Blog and Article Writing Services

B2B Blog and Content Writing Services, Melbourne

Take blog and article writing off your to-do list by outsourcing it to a trusted, reliable, proven content writer here in Melbourne.

Looking for blog, article and online content writing services in Melbourne?

You may know what you want to write about but find it hard to put aside the time to do it, or to maintain the discipline of doing it regularly.

Or you may have no idea what you should include in your company blog or LinkedIn articles and need some help brainstorming topics that are relevant and valuable to your ideal client base.

Our article writing services are available on a “write it for me” or “write it with me” basis. Articles can be researched and written for you or with you. Articles are available on a once-off or ongoing basis.

Get your articles working hard for your business

  • Do you need help maximising the return on your investment in content on your website?
  • Do you want to present yourself as a thought leader in your field of expertise?
  • Do you want your readers to take action after having read one of your business articles?

Our blog and article content writing services will give you the confidence that you can hand over the research, drafting and execution of your company blog to a trusted professional. 

Outsource your blog (write it for me)

Get a professionally written, succinct article for your company website. It will be written without jargon and be appealing and add value to your ideal and target audience.

Interview me (write it with me)

Some business owners have all of their expertise locked up in their heads. We can extract your knowledge and develop it into a powerful article to build your thought leadership.

Write my LinkedIn articles

Feel confident knowing you will be presented in a professional manner on a topic of your choice to help build your following and personal brand.  

Get content writing done for you 

Debbie Hatswell has been writing content for B2B brands since 2012.

Writing across a range of topics, there is no business story that is too boring!

Understanding that story telling is a concept that helps people relate to your brand, she has had proven success in building readership and communities with blogs and articles.

‘Value-adding, consistent blogging has the power to take your business to the next level. It delivers multiple benefits relating to driving traffic to your website, improving your chances of SEO success and keeps the conversation going with your customers.’
Debbie Hatswell, founder, Phoenix Content Studio

How it works

The process is simple, but the results are powerful. This is what to expect when you engage me to write your company blog or LinkedIn articles on an ongoing basis.

Step ONE: Briefing Session
Via Zoom or over the phone we chat about your business, your brand, your audience and your industry. We chat through your ideal client avatars and their pain points. We dive into the problems that your business helps them solve.

Step TWO: Blog Brainstorm
We help you work through an editorial calendar for your business year. We brainstorm topics together and discuss when they are relevant. We then decide whether our most appropriate service is to write articles for you or with you.
This is an interactive Zoom session designed to get to know each other and immerse ourselves in your business.
The blog brainstorm plan clearly provides thought starting content ideas as they relate to your ideal clients. It provides a working list you can build on over time.
Plus, you’ll learn how content can be repurposes so that you get the maximum value out of your investment.

Step THREE: Draft, Redraft and Publish
Once our brainstorm list is approved, you get a monthly article delivered to you for loading to your company website.
It’s provided to you via Google docs so that you can easily add comments or make minor changes.
Each article includes up to 2 revisions to ensure they are on point and presenting the best version of your business.
These articles are easily repurposed into LinkedIn articles from your key leadership team LinkedIn profiles.

Ready to book your content writing services for your Melbourne business? 

Simply send us an enquiry detailing your requirements and we will call you to discuss.