Social Media for Boring Brands

social media for boring brand

In this article we discuss the ways that strategic social media content can work for your boring brand. Learn how to drive traffic to your website, attract warm leads, build brand awareness and stay front of mind for your ideal client.

Several business owners have said to me, “Oh, my business is too boring for social media. We have nothing interesting to post”. It’s not the first time I have heard that sentiment and I am sure that it will not be the last.

The magic of social media is that many of the concepts that work for brands in the fashion, technology and food spaces actually also work in their own way for accountants, recruiters, consultants and manufacturers.

These are the ways social media helps you show up online, even if you think your brand is a little bit boring.

  1. It Helps you Build a Sense of Know, Like and Trust
    People like to support brands they like and to do business with people that they share values with. Showing some “behind the curtain” visual images can help develop that sense of knowing for your customers. They see familiar faces of your team. Pictures of team members are engaging, followers can’t help but click the like button when they see a face that they know.
  2. It Educates your Clients and Potential Clients
    How often have you had a client say to you that they didn’t know you provided a particular service? Regularly promoting your services via case studies, client experience stories and highlighting different product offerings over time helps your followers understand your full suite of good and services.
    It also helps educate them as to the features and benefits of your services and why they should include you on any short list of service providers. It gives you a chance to talk about the problems that you solve for your client base and gives people an idea of what it is like to work with your business.
  3. Social Media is Where your Clients are Hanging Out.
    They might think that they are there for fun, to connect with family and friends or to flick through pretty things on Instagram. They might be searching for jobs on LinkedIn or shopping or browsing on Facebook. They represent a captive audience, just waiting to hear from you.
    As of October 2020, Facebook in Australia had 16.5M users. Instagram has 9M users, LinkedIn 6.5M and Twitter 5.8M. Let’s face it your competitors are probably there too.
    You are wasting an opportunity to get in front of your ideal client if you are not consistently posting value-adding original content to your preferred social channels. Engaging with them, continuing an ongoing conversation and generally relationship building can all be facilitated via social media.
  4. People use Social Media as a Company Research Tool
    Your potential customers will often check out your company on their preferred social channel before they book your services. They check that you have social credibility, are active on socials and often follow you there first before they take the next step of subscribing to your mailing list or filling out your contact us form. Keeping an eye on the content you are delivering helps them decide whether they like you, whether you share their values and whether they should ask for a quote or proposal for your services.
  5. Social Media helps get Visitors to your Website.
    Becoming rich in social media followers is a bit like being rich in monopoly money. The ultimate game plan is to get them to your website where you can collect their e-mail address with a compelling opt-in. This is then yours to keep! It also keeps your website working hard for you, so that it can tell your visitors all about your unique value proposition.

Ensuring that you have regular, consistent, value-adding content on your preferred social channels is an easy way to connect with your client base. If it is delivered strategically, at the right time it makes your audience feel that you can help them solve their business problems. They will come back to you the next time they have a questions. They will tell their colleagues and friends about you.

If you think your brand is too boring for social media and need help with your strategy and organic content, get in touch, I can help.